Netflix: Global Movie Day Campaign

Kaitlin Sweyer
4 min readMar 14, 2021


Netflix logo

Netflix was one of the first television and movie streaming services and it continues to get more and more popular, especially in the Coronavirus environment. Starting in 1997, and adding instant streaming in 2007, the company has been around for quite a long time and is known worldwide. The service currently has 203.67 million people subscribed to its services. Netflix also has quite a hefty amount of Instagram followers, coming in at 26.5 M. According to Netflix, their goal is to “entertain the world”. With that being said, one of their main goals is to continually gain more and more subscribers.

Global Movie Day via

I wanted to backtrack a little bit and focus on Global Movie Day, which for this year was on February 13. I would like to use that date to push social content out to increase our main goal of gaining more subscribers. Our main goal would be for the week leading up to Global Movie Day we would try to gain 3,000,000 new subscribers by the February 13th date. On social media, we would set a few posts throughout the week celebrating a few of our favorite movies and in the caption we would include a coupon code to get new subscribers two free months of Netflix.

S.M.A.R.T goals

It is important to make sure that our social media goals are considered S.M.A.R.T Goals. This means that the goal is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and relevant, and time based. Below, I will go through each point and make sure our goal is S.M.A.R.T.

Specific: the goal should be clear and specific. A specific goal gives us clearer focus on why we need to get this done.

  • This goal is specific for a few reasons. We have a specific number of subscribers (3,000,000) to gain by a specific date (February 13th)

Measurable — It is important for our goals to be measurable so that we can track our progress and make sure we are meeting that specific goal.

  • This goal is measurable because we can see how many people are subscribing by using the coupon we are putting out on social media. The coupon itself is trackable.

Attainable — It is important for our goal to be attainable in order for the goal to be successful. If it is something so far out of the realm of possibility, there is no point in trying to achieve this goal.

  • This goal is attainable because each quarter Netflix is gaining almost 10,000,000 subscribers. Breaking down that number it would be a stretch to meet that specific goal but definitely not unreasonable.

Relevant: It is important to know if this goal matters to the company and aligns with other goals that they are trying to accomplish.

  • This goal is relevant because one of Netflix’s main objectives is to gain new subscribers to their platform. This goal is doing just that.

Time-Based- There needs to be a target date for the goal. We are trying to work towards something specific.

  • This goal is time based because we have an end date, have specified it as a short-term goal, and it involves a “holiday”.

As we look into this campaign, we would also have to keep an eye on KPIs. A KPI is a key performance indicator. A key performance indicator helps a company know and understand if their current social media strategy is effective and working. These KPIs could be anything from Reach, Engagement, Conversions, or Customer support.

There are a few different KPIs we could take a look at to see how our campaign is doing. One of the KPIs could be reach. It is important to see how many people our campaign is coming across. Are we getting the campaign out to enough people? Are enough people who aren’t our normal followers seeing it? These would all be questions that we would be able to answer once we start posting about our campaign.

We would also want to take a look at conversions for this campaign. A conversion is converting a customer or getting a follower to do something. In this case, we want to convert our followers to subscribers. We want to convince them to use the coupon we are putting on our social media accounts to subscribe to Netflix.



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