Kaitlin Sweyer
2 min readSep 30, 2021

There are many personal attributes that come along with being a successful community manager.

The person must be organized, proactive, passionate and empathetic.

Organized: It is extremely important for a community manager to be organized. In order to help with posting content, current industry events and ongoings and keeping an eye on all the members of the community, it is important for the community manager to be organized and on top of things.

Proactive: According to Dale Hart of the Power MBA, being proactive is necessary when it comes to being a successful social media community manager. With industries consistently changing, ideas and strategies will constantly need to be revised and the community manager needs to be on top of everything that is going on. From changes in the industry and things going on within the community, the community manager needs to be proactively keeping tabs on everything.

Passionate: Passion comes through in everything that you do. In order to communicate and understand other members of the community, the community member needs to be passionate. Dale Hart shared that “passion is contagious” and that the enthusiasm for the brand will spread throughout the community.

Empathetic: Hubspot shared that empathy is one of the most important. In order to be successful, the community manager needs to be able to put themselves in their community member’s shoes. It’ll make it easier to understand what customers are thinking and feeling about the brand, and what they could do better or continue doing.

There are so many important qualities when it comes to being a community manager. What trait do you think is most important?

Baker, K. (2020, May 12). The ultimate guide to community management. HubSpot Blog. Retrieved September 30, 2021, from https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/community-management-expert-advice.

Hart, D. (2021, June 18). The complete community Manager Guide: Tips, tricks, and tools. The Power MBA. Retrieved September 30, 2021, from https://www.thepowermba.com/en/social-media/community-manager.

Pundir, P. (2020, February 21). 9 skills every community manager should have. Hubspot. Retrieved September 30, 2021, from https://medium.com/community-folks/9-skills-every-community-manager-should-have-82c9d93e33e3.

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